CIU-REC was formed under the research department of the University and was accredited in August 2014 by Uganda National Council of Science and Technology (UNCST) becoming the 16th  Research Ethics Committee to be accredited in Uganda. CIU-REC is responsible for the review of research protocols involving human subjects by both local and international organizations. This contributes to the process of ensuring that research is useful to the various communities involved in the different phases of research design and implementation.

The CIU-REC was formulated with the overall aim of stimulating researchers to carry out creative scientific projects at the highest standard while ensuring the protection of the rights and welfare of human participants involved in research.

Our Vision

To ensure a transformed society of health scientists with improved quality of research through the observation and application of ethical principles that govern the protection of human participants in research

Our Mission

To provide effective leadership that enhances a transformed society of health scientists with improved quality of research through the observation and application of ethical priniciples that protect himan participants during research.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who does CIU-REC serve ?
CIUREC serves all researchers conducting research involving human paricipants. Guidelines for Research Involving Human Participants